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Tuesday, January 19, 2010


This was my blog post last year for the newcoming year. :) Let's see what I have done.


2009 is next thursday. yay.

i see a lot of people writing down their resolutions... i guess i should too, so i'd have a good idea of what i really want to achieve this new year. 2009 better be a good year, cause 2008 sucked hardcore.

1. resist the urge of cutting my hair until prom (i love long hair... but i'm sick of it ) [ACCOMPLISHED]
2. cut my hair to above the shoulder length when i graduate, when summer comes. (in other words, a bob) [FAILED; accomplished in 2010]
3. donate my hair to an organisation (to make wigs for those who need them) [FAILED; soon]
4. quit my lame job and find a new one. [MAJOR FAIL]
5. finish my portfolio and get accepted in the program i want to be in. GRAPHIC DESIGN [FAIL]
6. go to toronto. [ALWAYS]
7. go skiing / snowboarding for the first time in my entire long (with ah hong) [SIGH]
8. be closer to my family. [SUCCESS]
9. improve the way i talk. reduce the amount of slangs. [A LOT BETTER THAN BEFORE]
10. cook more. italian food. yumm~ [SLIGHTLY]
11. less shopping. more get-togethers with my friends. [BARELY HAVE A SOCIAL LIFE]
12. contribute to AB. the environmental comittee. do something good before i leave the damn school. more than what i'm already doing though. [HMMM]
13. get myself a canon SLR camera. [MONEY]
14. try all the kinds of painting techniques there are. get new mediums, and try them! [SUCCESS]
15. watch less dramas. they take up a lot of my sleep time. [FAIL]
16. be more healthy. eat more healthy. [ALWAYS FAILS]
17. be a brighter person when i go back to school. [YES? I don't remember]
18. enjoy my summer at the full extent. [YEAH....]
19. keep in contact with my friends when cegep comes. [YES!!!]
20. AN ABSOLUTE MUST: maintain F4. [SUCCESS!]
I'm going to Dawson at Atwater metro station.
Laine is going to St-Laurent near metro Du College.
CEE is going to Maisonneuve near metro PIE-IX and Joliette.
May is going to Stanislas at Outremont.
WE ARE ALL SO FAR APART. but at least, May will be in Canada, in MTL, and not in Vietnam. hehe.
21. plan more outings. ( like picnics. movie nights. activities in a person's house between friends. not OUTSIDE. cause i hate watching movies in movie theaters. ) [SO-SO]
22. lose a bit of weight. wear a swimsuit and go to the beach! [it varies from periods]
23. learn how to swim like a normal person. [AVOID]
24. plan a trip to trt with Laine. she wants to go to Vaughen mills. haha. [FAIL]
25. defend myself physically and verbally. defend my principles. [wtf?]
26. show less attitude , unless they effin ask for it. don't judge me, and don't misunderstand me. don't say things as if YOU OWN ME, cause you don't. i'm not yours, and i don't belong to anyone. i'm not a property. [euh.. okay]
27. buy the "The NEW ACRYLICS guide to acrylic paints" by Rheni Tauchid. [yeah...]
28. contribute to the art class. and thank the art teacher for what she's done for me throughout these two years. [fail]
29. decorate my room with pictures. [SUCCESS]
30. get the beatles soundtrack. and maybe draw a vector design of the beatles on my wall. ♥ [have yet to do]
31. get myself one of those reuseable and portable coffee mugs, so i can save the planet a little bit each day by not purchasing and throwing away the paper coffee cups from tim's. [SUCCESS]
32. be good to my mental health. meditate. [yeah.... =______=|]
33. learn how to tune the guitar, instead of asking L. learn a song. and cherish this guitar L gave me. [fail.]
34. practice the piano. till i'm awesome. [FAIL]
35. resist the urge of doing smtg incredibly stupid. [MAJOR FAIL]
36. watch the fireworks with my wife.[LOVE]
37. cherish my friends. make them feel loved and happy. (i want to be around happy people because it cheers me up, so i will try to be that happy person to my friends) [ACCOMPLISHED]
38. listen. [SUCCESS]
39. smile much much more. [ALWAYS]
40. to not promise things, if i know i cannot fulfill it, and to not break any promises. [HMMM]
41. learn chinese. [improve]
42. read more books, improve my french, and expand my english vocabulary. [have yet to do]
43. love myself. [still have a long way to do]

tralalala. these are now all that i could think of.



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- -- - » Leave some love♥

. welcome

My art is instinctive, expressive and reflective of my soul. It feels for me, it thinks for me, it moves for me, it speaks for me. I paint to influence, to move, to feel and to express my feelings.

The emotions are sometimes so strong that I work without knowing it. The strokes come like speech.*Vincent van Gogh

The only time I feel alive is when I'm painting.*Vincent can Gogh

. profile

My name is Sylvia. I'm 19 years old. I go where my hearts leads me to, and at this moment, it's beating for arts. It allows me to learn, to see, to explore, to discover things about the world, and about me. I wish to live my life well and to be able to express my voice in all possible forms. more?

. aurevoir

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dA: infamousdoll @/?
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BFFF:Emerodobara @/?

. archives

May 2008, December 2008, January 2009, November 2009, December 2009, January 2010, February 2010, March 2010, April 2010, May 2010, June 2011,


Art? ; Paintings? ; LOVE? ; Thoughts? ; Inspiration? ; Quotes? ; Music? ; DA? ; Photography? ; School Projects? ; School? ; Schedule? ; Cafe? ; Restaurent? ; Food? ; Shopping? ; Nails? ; Baking? ; ? ; Catherine? ; Laurianne? ; Sarah? ; CEE? ; Matt? ; Laine? ;

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