(she wa teaching me guitar)
I miss you already, dear. You and your family have been
so lovely to us over the weekend. I'm so
glad and
grateful that you welcomed us into your home for
christmas. :) You were so nice and
I love catching up with you. We've been
friends since we were kids. I can't recall any bad things that happened, but I know that it wasn't always sunshine and bright smiles all the time. That doesn't matter because
you mean a lot to me and
I cherish our friendship too much to let any of those negative feelings affect it. (
Which is why I can't recall anything, but I remember the good times.)

(we were about to watch ghosts of girlfriends pasts & when she taught me guitar)
VEE, I love you so much! You are an
amazing friend. You are so generous, you are silly, you are so bright, you are funny, you are so
wonderful and you have an amazing personality.
You are so beautiful. You brighten up a whole room with your smile and your jokes... seriously Vee, I really enjoyed my time in Toronto. I'm so happy that
I can't even express this in words.

(before i left, we went to eat. i barely slept and i looked horrible)
I will come back in spring to visit you.
Love, Ling.
Labels: vanessa