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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Infection @ 7:31 PM

Chihiro Onitsuka - Infection



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Chihiro Onitsuka ~ Rasen



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Monday, May 24, 2010

Photoshop @ 1:43 PM

This is my photoshop class' final project.


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I used acrylic paint and gel medium. I used old newspapers and shreds of magazines for the collage. I painted everything else. As for the little birds, I drew them on paper and I used medium to stick them on. :)

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Finally, school is finally FINALLY over. I was getting impatient during the last two weeks. I'm actually surprised that I was able to get my workload done on time ;) NICE! :D

I feel that I should cut myself some slack, and just enjoy the pace life gives me. I shouldn't be so controlling over my life. I needed to organise every single thing that happened and it had to happen in the time I planned it to be. I figured it's summer. I should be less of a control-freak. It feels great to finally be able to take a breath of fresh air.

Thursday was my last day of school and it was so RELIEVING! I went shopping with Mai and her friends. We then went to a korean restaurant to eat with Kevin. It was really fun walking on St-Denis street at night. Although the Habs were playing that night, what with the streets being crowded and people were being rowdy, it was still a pleasant night.

Friday was chill. I went to work, and although there were loads of inventory, it was still relaxing.

As for Saturday, I woke up pretty early to do my placement test at Vanier. When it ended, I went for lunch with my family at Jing Hua. Then, we went to Heng Heng and it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO crowded. Crazy. I went shopping with Laine, and it was awesome spending quality time catching up. After, we went back to panama. Emby, Kris, Vicky, Vivian, Helen, we all met up. :) We went to dinner with Evan, Emile, Guillaume as well. It was very pleasant. :) It was Eunbyul's farewell dinner. She's going to Bolivia for two months and a half. :O

I tried on Laine's fob glasses. I look like a cat now. Meow~

Vivian is such a cutie. Henn <3

KOREAN FOOOOOOOD~~ My kimchi pancake <3 And Emile's barbecue haha.

Emile and I. :)

Now, I can't wait till I get on my plane to Barcelona. :)

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

red, baby @ 5:48 PM


I'm tired. I still have photoshop hmk, dessin&modelage and... DESSIN TECHNIQUE TO DO!


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Monday, April 19, 2010

NEW HAIR @ 12:57 PM

SUNDAY 4/18, :)
I went over to Mai's, I helped her take pictures of her make-up for her next tutorial :) And she dyed my hair. I'm now a redhead. :)


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. welcome

My art is instinctive, expressive and reflective of my soul. It feels for me, it thinks for me, it moves for me, it speaks for me. I paint to influence, to move, to feel and to express my feelings.

The emotions are sometimes so strong that I work without knowing it. The strokes come like speech.*Vincent van Gogh

The only time I feel alive is when I'm painting.*Vincent can Gogh

. profile

My name is Sylvia. I'm 19 years old. I go where my hearts leads me to, and at this moment, it's beating for arts. It allows me to learn, to see, to explore, to discover things about the world, and about me. I wish to live my life well and to be able to express my voice in all possible forms. more?

. aurevoir

squigglepop @/?
bye bye?
dA: infamousdoll @/?
personal blog: kao-chin @/?
BFFF:Emerodobara @/?

. archives

May 2008, December 2008, January 2009, November 2009, December 2009, January 2010, February 2010, March 2010, April 2010, May 2010, June 2011,


Art? ; Paintings? ; LOVE? ; Thoughts? ; Inspiration? ; Quotes? ; Music? ; DA? ; Photography? ; School Projects? ; School? ; Schedule? ; Cafe? ; Restaurent? ; Food? ; Shopping? ; Nails? ; Baking? ; ? ; Catherine? ; Laurianne? ; Sarah? ; CEE? ; Matt? ; Laine? ;

. design?

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