Sunday, February 28, 2010
i smell like cigarettes.
people made me smell like alcohol.
i am disgusted with myself.
my hair is messy and gross.
people jumping around, people drinking,
this man rubbing himself against me, it repulsed me,
it scared me so much.
late night partying isn't my type of thing.
i got to see some beautiful expositions though.
i have huge eyebags from not sleeping all night.
but i spent 21 hours of quality time with Laine and Kevin. :)
Labels: Kevin, Laine, Nuit blanche
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Friday, February 26, 2010
using the old things. @ 8:09 PM
my foot is bleeding.
my phone died on me.
my mp3 has no more battery. it's windy.
oh, i hate this day.
i'm reusing my old phone. sony ericson z520a.
i worked. S&A came to see me.
we left with CA&YH. i liked my day alright. :)
Labels: Thoughts
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
procrastinating leads nowhere. @ 5:57 PM
I'm so lazy that I screwed myself over. :(
I procrastinated.
Now I have so many assignments due.
I just did my photoshop homework. I did humanities.
I have a rédaction tmrw. In the morning, I'll do my clay sculpture due thursday. In the afternoon, I'll continue it if I'm not done. I will go to Omer as well to buy the papier Ingres for thursday. I will do the chair now due thursday morning. Tomorrow, I will put the platre inside my sculpture due monday. SIGH.
I will do the color homework on thursday night.
I should know better than to procrastinate.
Labels: School, Thoughts
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i think this is just so funny.
people never cease to disappoint me.
Labels: Thoughts
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Sunday, February 21, 2010
PHOTOSHOOT WITH MAI. 21.02.10 @ 1:13 PM
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010
disconnected @ 6:00 PM
There were no stars tonight.
I squinted my eyes as much as I could.
I hoped that through my effort I could see them,
or maybe I just did not look hard enough.
They simply were not there tonight.
I feel disconnected. I feel lost and confused.
I am not aware of my actions. I walk aimlessly to school.
Honestly, I don't even know how I managed to get to a destination without realising what I'm really doing.
I guess I'm able to get to school because I remember it as a habit.
People are so selfish. People are disgusting.
Labels: Thoughts
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Sunday, February 14, 2010
Chinese new year @ 2:43 PM
I bought a bouquet of roses for my mother. :)

I made oatmeal cookies.
Michuu dropped by to wish me a happy new year and gave me an iced cappuccino. AWW. :)
Laine and Matt came by to see me make cookies.
Laine slept over because she couldn't go home.
We slept at 5AM and woke up at 8. I'm so incredibly tired, but I had a good day.
I bought a pair of Uggs! And they're PINK! I am in love with them. :)
aw crap. i didn't think it would upload this big. LOL. i look really tired on that. BUT LOOK AT THE UGGS
I am going out to eat dinner with my family at 8. It's Chinese New year! YAY! :)
Labels: Cookies, Laine, Matt, Michuu, new year, shopping
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Thursday, February 11, 2010
COLOR WHEEL:start @ 11:58 AM
I started working on the color wheel and I only took a picture when I started to work on it. I should have taken a finished picture before I gave it in :T

My theme was vintage.
Of course, right now, my color wheel looks NOTHING like that picture :P
It's so much better :)
Labels: Art, School project
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

MIUMIU :)I can see so clearly now :D
Labels: shopping
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010
sweetness @ 5:01 PM
I can taste the sweetness melt on my tongue,
I can nearly taste your kiss, feel your breath,
it's so
sickeningly sweet
it could almost rot my teeth.
I could feel the burning light on my back,
overshadowing my figure, I lowered my head
in defeat,
I could only trace the black contour of my frame,
with my eyes,
I tried to feel the brightest star.
as I helplessly headed towards a long day,
only to come out in the dark, with my shoulders deflated,
surrounded by silent walking figures, and crowds having a fit.When I finally severed my tie with the outside world,
the noise, the commotion,
I walked towards the dark,
avoiding the lights, the lamposts,
I looked up.
I could only see them in the dark.Only in the dark can I admire all of you.
I lifted my head, way high up, unusually,
I could almost lose my balance, and lose
all of it.
They were calling out for me, but my voice
isn't strong enough to reach them.
♥ Sylvia
Labels: inspiration, Sky, Thoughts
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Monday, February 8, 2010
coldness. @ 10:29 PM
In the early dim sky, there were no feelings,
I looked up to see a crisp grey backdrop,
the only warmth was led on by my breath,
every inhale I take, the more warmth I lost,
every exhale I let go, the more life slips away from my lips,
I looked down to stare at the black shaking ground,
I look up and stare out the windows,
I don't see the portrait of the sun like I usually do,
it doesn't greet me like it usually does,
it can't greet me because the clouds are sniding their frustrations,
I saw the reflections of the pillars across the icy waters,
across the scattered pieces of thin ice, it was cold and dead.
I was not able to find peace in my haven
Labels: inspiration, Sky, Thoughts
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Saturday, February 6, 2010
Inhale @ 8:38 PM
I take in. I absorb.
I experience.I take in all that happens around me.
I inhale
all the feelings around me.I absorb all the warmth around me.
experience the
love around me.
Love, Sylvia
Looking at the sea again
Tides that rise and fall and then rise again
My love floats like a feather in the wind
Catch me if you can
Catch me
i don't even know what just i'd do
If you found your way back through
Clear all the cob webs that we weaved
Making room for you and me
There's a road to my heart
Follow signs through the ride
When you see all the lights glowing bright,
Beside the dark and all
You know you found me
Looking at the city escape
Tiny little bubbles sparkling in the night
I don't think its ever too late
To cut the ties that bond us to our lies.
I don't even know what just i'd say
If you found your way back
Clear all the cob webs that we made
Wishing for you to stay
There's a road to my heart
Following signs through the ride
When you see all the lights glowing bright,
Beside the dark and all
You know you found me
Looking at the sea again
Tides that rise and fall and then rise again
My love floats like a feather in the wind
Catch me if you can
Catch meLabels: inspiration, love, Music, Thoughts
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Thursday, February 4, 2010
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Wednesday, February 3, 2010
LONG. @ 9:42 PM
I had a long day today. I'll write about it tomorrow night.
I did two autoportrait with drawing pencils. One of them with strokes, the other one with blending. I'll post pictures tmrw.
Love, Sylvia
I had my humanities class. It was long. :T Afterwards, I bought my art supplies at the school store. I went to the Omer Deserres at Eaton Center as well. I bought my gesso, this gel medium/flexible molding paste, woodless 6B graphite, some fusain en branche. This cost me 45$. At school, I bought so much crap, and I don't even remember how much it cost me now. It's alright! I'm going to work it off! :D
I went to Eaton, and I met up with Matt. He was waiting for his friend Kris, and I was waiting for Laine to come. I bought myself a medium coffee. They put so much sugar in it. It tasted horrible. Much too sweet. I had a slight headache from the overdose. :T
Labels: School
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I met a new friend. His name is
Viet. It turns out we are similar in some ways. It's really fun to be friends with him. :] We talked about lots, and one thing that marked me was the artists he named when we talked about our taste in
music. He said
Salyu. I was curious so I checked it out online. It turns out... that she is like...
I'm so inspired. So much that I feel like
it's overflowing out of me, it's
literally pouring out of me, and I'm sad because I can't keep it in. I have a somewhat bad memory, so I may not remember it after some time. It frustrates me to know that
I will not be able to produce what I felt. I don't know what I'm feeling, but
this feeling I have inside of me...
it makes me feel alive. It gives me strength, it provides me meaning, it makes me feel like I'm living for something, for a reason. I don't know if this feeling can be considered being inspired. It feels like
being in love... but if I were in love, I'd be in love with
the idea of being in love with feelings and the
I am in love with the sky. I feel like it is a whole other entity, like my equal.
It moves, it breathes, it bleeds. At night, I feel like...
I'm all alone, just me and my sky.
I don't know how to express myself in words. At least, not accurately, and certainly not about these kinds of feelings. So,
I am certainly unable to show how good it feels to be alone outside
just staring into the depth of the sky. I feel like... the sky is staring
into me, and
I feel like I can see through it and see further. I can see in it, and
feel its beating. It's like...
an intimate feeling.
I feel so sad when I step back into my house every night. It's like I'm stepping back
into the world, the noise, the
commotion. When I go to bed, I hear my house creak. I inhale, and I look out my window. When I wake up in the morning,
there's a rush. It's so noisy, there's so much going on that
I never hear myself think. When I step out of the house,
I always look up first. I look at the sky and see how it's doing. When I take the bus and it crosses over the bridge
, I love to look at the reflection of the sky on the surface of the water. I see how
the sun slowly invades the sky and
makes it bleed through the clouds. I see its reflection beaming across the waters. I feel like the sky is giving me a reassuring smile every morning and
it brightens me up before I step back into my numbing routine of a life.
Labels: inspiration, Music, Sky, Thoughts, Viet
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I looked straight ahead of me.
There was a deafening silence ringing in my ears; it soothes me.
I took a glimpse at the many glistening stars, flowing in the deep blue sky,
all dancing above my eyes, glimmering for my eyes, but I could only see one.
I stared straight ahead of me, I could only follow the brightest one.
It is as if the others were green in envy, they fell,
in attempt to get closer, they fell to their depth; like shooting stars,
they dimmed away, as you still reflected my eyes.
I try to keep my grasp on your wrist,
I don't ever want to let you go.
I only had eyes for the brightest star.
If I could, I would raise my arms, and stretch them wide,
I would look up to stare at how my arm sways when I twine it,
as if I was using my fingers to draw a line among the stars, to pull a thread,
to reach out and capture the glittering star in my palm.
I slowly laid my hand down, enough so that my fingertips touched my forehead,
I gasped at the cold touch, and I closed my eyes wishing I had someone who could bring me warmth.
In a breath's time, I held in all that I could before I slowly opened my eyes,
only to realise I was standing alone under the night, under the white flurries settling on the dead cold ground.
I slowly blinked my eyes, only to see that the brightest star was looking down on me,
I took another breath in, and I took one last glimpse before I whispered it goodbye, until tomorrow's night.
♥ sylvia
Labels: inspiration, Sky, Snow, Thoughts
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Monday, February 1, 2010
doubt. @ 8:08 PM
i don't know what i should do.
i can't bring myself to step forward,
i'm still lingering in this void, this doubt,
i feel like something is missing from me
maybe this could be the beginning of something beautiful,
or it could be something beautifully disastrous.
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For my birthday, we went to Ceramics. I painted a latte mug! I LOVE IT! :)

It had to be the perfect mug :D

This is Matt's failed flames. :P

Matt trying his best :P

I love painting my mug! :D

Laine was painting an angel for her music box :D

The palette is so cute. :) Pastel colored. :D

Love me! Love me! LOVE ME!

Labels: Art, Birthday, Cafe, Ceramics, Eunbyul, inspiration, Laine, Matt
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SUNDAY 31/01/10
It was really bright. And Matt tried to snapshot our horrible faces. :(

Me and LAine :)

Matt looks ridiculous. HAHAHA.


Laine is so cute :D
Before we went to
Ceramics, we went to Jean-Drapeau and we walked around. There was a
Fete des Neiges. I don't really know what it was, but Laine and Matt dragged me there. :) It was fun!
I tried taffy for the first time! It was so
sweet and sticky : D The sun was so bright and high up in the sky. The brightness was reflected on the snow. I was so blind. I look like an idiot. Well, so did Laine. TEEHEE. :D
Labels: Laine, Matt, Snow
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These walls were not meant to shut out problems. You have to face them. You have to live the life you were born to live.
Mother Abbess, The Sound Of Music
Labels: Quote
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